
Western Kenyan Anopheles gambiae showing intense permethrin resistance harbour distinct microbiota

**Background** Insecticide resistance poses a growing challenge to malaria vector control in Kenya and around the world. Following evidence of associations between the mosquito microbiota and insecticide resistance, the microbiota of Anopheles …

Considerations for mosquito microbiome research from the Mosquito Microbiome Consortium

This perspective serves to introduce the Mosquito Microbiome Consortium and invite broader participation. It highlights the issues we view as most pressing to the community and proposes guidelines for conducting mosquito microbiome research.

Mosquito-derived 16S rRNA seq data analysis using QIIME2

(MSc/PhD level) online summer course on the analysis of mosquito-derived 16S rRNA seq data using QIIME2. **Open for more details**

Links between microbes and insecticide resistance in mosquito populations

Ongoing research on the links between microbes (both environmental and host-associated) and insecticide resistance in mosquito populations, and its effects on pathogen transmission. **Open for more details**