
No more mosquitoes?

**Interview by Scholastic ScienceWorld**. I was interviewed by _Scholastic ScienceWorld_ about my work on mosquito biology and insecticide resistance, its evolution and impact on mosquito vector populations, as well as ways that we are monitoring and mitigating its spread. [Click here to read the full interview](

Computationally designed enzyme inhibitors overcome pesticide resistance

**Interview by American Chemical Society's Chemical & Engineering News**. I commented on a _PNAS_ paper entitled '_Overcoming insecticide resistance through computational inhibitor design_' DOI: [10.1073/pnas.1909130116](

A fungus plus a spider toxin equals a weapon to kill mosquitoes

**Interview by Science News _for_ Students**. I commented on a _Science_ paper entitled '_Transgenic Metarhizium rapidly kills mosquitoes in a malaria-endemic region of Burkina Faso_' DOI: [10.1126/science.aaw8737](,would%20be%20eliminated%20from%20a)

A fungus weaponized with a spider toxin can kill malaria mosquitoes

**Interview by Science News**. I commented on a _Science_ paper entitled '_Transgenic Metarhizium rapidly kills mosquitoes in a malaria-endemic region of Burkina Faso_' DOI: [10.1126/science.aaw8737](,would%20be%20eliminated%20from%20a)

Cutting-Edge Malaria Intervention Research

**Featured in CDC Bulletin** _Mosquitoes have become increasingly resistant to insecticides used for public health, thus compromising mosquito control efforts. However, these processes have not been fully understood. DPDM research demonstrated that insecticide exposure impacts bacteria that colonize mosquitoes (the mosquito microbiota). The presence of insecticide-metabolizing bacteria in resistant mosquitoes could potentially be used to predict insecticide resistance in the field._

A New Way to Keep Mosquitoes From Biting

**Interview by The Atlantic**. I commented on a _Cell_ paper entitled '_Small-Molecule Agonists of Ae. aegypti Neuropeptide Y Receptor Block Mosquito Biting_' DOI:[10.1016/j.cell.2018.12.004](

Zika: Is the U.S. ready for the fight?

**CNN interview**. *As part of one of CDC groups that led global Zika vector control efforts, we were interviewed by CNN, during which I demonstrated and answered questions on how to test mosquito populations for susceptibility to insecticides.*