insect ecology

Mosquito biology

(MSc level) class lecture and hands-on lab course. Malaria Prevention, Control and Treatment Course (GH574). Rollins School of Public Health Global Health Program. Emory University, Atlanta, USA. **Open for more details**

Insect sampling and curation

(MSc level) class lecture and hands-on field and laboratory course focusing on major insect families in western Kenya. **Open for more details**

Mosquito sampling

Hands-on field training for public health (vector-borne disease control) scientists in Thailand and Laos. **Open for more details**

Spatio-temporal distribution of NTD vectors in Rhoko forest

Cross sectional surveys to determine the prevalence and distribution of daytime-biting _Diptera_ during the wet and dry seasons of 2006 across Rhoko forest, Iko Esai, Akamkpa, CRS, Nigeria. **Open for more details**