
Mosquito Microbiome Consortium

A collaborative initiative aimed at streamlining methods in and advancing mosquito microbiome research, particularly from laboratory to field applications. **Open to view consortium website**

Mosquito-derived 16S rRNA seq data analysis using QIIME2

(MSc/PhD level) online summer course on the analysis of mosquito-derived 16S rRNA seq data using QIIME2. **Open for more details**


Genomics for the future of malaria vector control (G-AVENIR) is a collaborative initiatiave aimed at developing local infrastructural and computational capacity for malaria vector genomics research, as well as creating translational pathways for vector control decision making within local NMCPs in Benin and Kenya. **Open for more details.**

Links between microbes and insecticide resistance in mosquito populations

Ongoing research on the links between microbes (both environmental and host-associated) and insecticide resistance in mosquito populations, and its effects on pathogen transmission. **Open for more details**